Sailing Essentials

Sailing Essentials

Our free sailing essentials cover the basics that anyone who intends to take charge of a craft on the water should know, from basic seamanship to rules & regulations; this course is an excellent foundation for water sports enthusiasts.

The essentials that anyone should know before they take charge of a craft on the water..

Approximately 15 hours of content.

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A free course covering the essentials to help you remain safe on the water. Take a look at the modules included and become a member to get access to this course.

0 Topics

Rules of the Road

Learn the rules, how to interpret them and what to do when crossing another vessel.

Collision Regulations

  • I’ll know what to do if I see another vessel.

0 Topics


Learn some terminology and best practices to support your practical learning.


  • I have some core seamanship skills to build on.

0 Topics

Keeping Safe at Sea

Learn about the safety equipment on board a typical recreational vessel & how to use it.


  • I’m better prepared to keep safe at sea.

0 Topics

Weather (Meteorology)

Learn how to find, read, interpret and monitor weather forecasts.


  • I can interpret and plan based on a weather forecast.

0 Topics

The Marine Environment

Learn about environmental challenges & how to reduce our impact whilst on the water.

Marine Environment

  • I will respect the environment when out on the water.

Example course downloads
Downloads are available through the course to support the material. Here are just a few examples.

    Students enrolled on a course have direct access to a briefing room where they can get instructor support. If you are enrolled on a course, log in to access your briefing room.

    Course Modules

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