“Charlie” is a term used in military and law enforcement contexts to represent the letter “C” in the NATO phonetic alphabet. This phonetic alphabet is used to ensure clear communication over radio transmissions, particularly in situations where background noise or static may make it difficult to distinguish between similar-sounding letters.
Code Flag Charlie (C)
Nautical or signal flags are used at sea to convey messages over long distances. Only black, blue, red, white and yellow are used because these are the only colours readily distinguished at sea. Many different coding schemes have been used, but the International Code is the most common.
Phonetic Numbers
Number | Word | Pronunciation |
0 | Zero | Ze-Ro |
1 | One | Wun |
2 | Two | Too |
3 | Three | Tree |
4 | Four | Fow-Er |
5 | Five | Fife |
6 | Six | Six |
7 | Seven | Sev-En |
8 | Eight | Ait |
9 | Nine | Nin-Er |
Phonetic Alphabet
Letter | Word | Pronunciation |
A | Alpha | Al Fah |
B | Bravo | Brah Vo |
C | Charlie | Char Lee |
D | Delta | Dell Tah |
E | Echo | Eck Oh |
F | Foxtrot | Foks Trot |
G | Golf | Golf |
H | Hotel | Hoh Tell |
I | India | In Dee Ah |
J | Juliett | Joo Lee Ett |
K | Kilo | Kee Loh |
L | Lima | Lee Mah |
M | Mike | Mike |
N | November | No Vem Bah |
O | Oscar | Oss Cah |
P | Papa | Pah Pah |
Q | Quebec | Key Bek |
R | Romeo | Ro Me Oh |
S | Sierra | See Air Rah |
T | Tango | Tang Go |
U | Uniform | You Knee Form |
V | Victor | Vik Tah |
W | Whisky | Wiss Key |
X | X-ray | Ecks Ray |
Y | Yankee | Yang Kee |
Z | Zulu | Zoo Loo |